My Work

Gradudate Research

DARA: A Dynamic Augmented Reality Architecture

A novel mobile-based AR architecture that enables simultaneous connections to multiple distinct robots. Utilizing a database to manage configurations, DARA creates connections to robots and instantiates visualizations, called augments, at run time allowing new robots to be added without requiring the application to be rebuilt.

Click for the VAM-HRI publication for DARA.

Undergradudate Research

WitBot: Low-Cost Open-Source Robotics For Education

Utilizing a set of off the shelf sensors, components, some 3D printed parts, and a whole lot of Python programming a small team of undergraduate students and myself were able to devolop a small open-source robotics platform.

Click for the ASEE publication of the WitBot.

WUROV: Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle

For my undergraduate capstone project at Wentworth Institute of Technology, a small team of students and myself worked on updating and contributing to the codebase of the NUGV, a ROV platform created by Wentworth's IEEE chapter.

Click for a full report of our work.

Curriculum Vitae

A Copy of my CV can be found Here